Internship Institute
The internship provides students with the opportunity to explore a particular career interest, develop important workplace competencies, apply new skills they have learned, and develop their English skills (and in some cases their native language skills). Students participate in a professional work environment and grow in confidence and maturity.
How long is an Internship Program? When does it start?
The internship runs for approximately twelve weeks beginning in late February and running until early June. The students are required to work every afternoon except Wednesdays, from 1 to 4p.m. for a total of 12 hours per week. Occasionally, an internship site may require a slightly different schedule based on their needs. The internship will begin in late February and run to early June. All 11th-grade students (team Bridges) will complete an internship as a graduation requirement.
What is the role of the Student Advisor?
Interns work with an advisor at school. An advisor is a teacher who meets regularly with the interns in an Internship Seminar course that takes place Wednesday afternoons in school. The advisor maintains regular contact with the mentor by telephone and site visits. The site visits allow the advisor to confer with the mentor and the intern about the student's progress at the internship and about the internship-related assignments. The advisor helps the student with all aspects of the internship experience including understanding the various challenges that may arise. The advisor also helps the student with their school-related projects.
Who Does the Intern work with at the Internship site?
Every intern has a mentor at their internship site that trains the intern to fulfill the requirements of the job and provides an orientation to the workplace and that particular career field. The mentor treats the intern as a member of their workplace team and holds the intern to the same level of accountability as the other employees. The mentor ensures that the intern meets his/her responsibilities to the organization and provides the intern with valuable experiences from which to learn.
How does a student sign up?
In December all the 11th-grade students will explore our school's internship database, and select 3 sites they are interested in. Students are required to do a persuasive presentation about their first choice site and then the teachers will discuss and make the final decision. Once a selection is made the student must go to an interview at that site to ensure a good match.
How does a site participate?
If a site is interested they can review our school's internship information packet and complete the last two pages titled Request for interns. Sites can also contact our internship coordinator via phone 718 463-2348.